In 1955 company founder Wilhelm Stolz created the business in Leinfelden near Stuttgart. At that time as a one-man-operation with from today's view very simple lathes, the company continued to develop rapidly. It became evident very quickly that the existing facilities were too small to continue the growing business. Thus Wilhelm Stolz went on a journey accross the country, where he eventually found the terrain of a dormant brick factory in Konradsbronn, a suburb of Wört.
The site purchase and the re-location of the whole family Stolz to the 130 km distant Konradsbronn turned out to be a groundbreaking decision. This decision shaped the framework into a positive direction and built the basis for further steps in development. The following years were marked by constant growth and progress. Nevertheless, the Swabian company never forgot where they were coming from. This always was and always will be part of our Stolz-DNA.

But it is all about our long-term customer relationships. This shapes our sustainable thinking and company culture. It is our utmost goal to have a cooperative and trustfull relation to our partners, in order to achive our common goal and to think forward.
But it is all about our long-term customer relationships. This shapes our sustainable thinking and company culture. It is our utmost goal to have a cooperative and trustfull relation to our partners, in order to achive our common goal and to think forward.