Sven Koch visits the Digitization Center (digiZ) Ostwürttemberg - meeting with our partner EVO Informationssysteme about the topic of "Smart Factory"
STOLZ and EVO - Long partnership
Bereits seit 2018 ist Evo Informationssysteme unser Partner für Unternehmenssoftware. Mitte Juni traf sich Sven Koch, Geschäftsleitung der Wilhelm Stolz GmbH, mit dem Geschäftsführer der Firma Evo Informationssysteme, Herrn Jürgen Widmann, im Digitalisierungszentrum Ostwürttemberg in Schwäbisch Gmünd.
Promoting knowledge transfer - at digiZ
EVO Informationssysteme contributes to the topic of digitization in the Digitization Center Ostwürttemberg. The digiZ offers an ideal platform to promote the knowledge transfer about the topic of digitization with the goal to pilot and implement a "Smart Factory" approach for SMEs. To this end, EVO has installed the complete platform for a "factory operating system" in Schwäbisch Gmünd in order to demonstrate what is feasible and test new developments at public events and also at individual workshops.
Digitization at STOLZ - Extended partnership
During this visit, Sven Koch was able to experience the possibilities of holistic digitization with EVO solutions and verify possible areas of application for us. "We want to further intensify our processes in the area of data management and machine data with the help of digital solutions. This meeting gave us very interesting insights, thus we can imagine an extended partnership with EVO Informationssysteme" says Sven Koch.