Wilhelm Stolz GmbH & Co KG. honors its long-time employees

Stolz says THANK YOU. Wilhelm Stolz GmbH & Co. KG was again able to honor some long-standing employees in 2020:

Angela Kohnle, Rosa Proll, Irina Reisenhauer (20 years), Andre Proll (25 years), Grit Rensch, Arne-Constance Symossek, Franco Symossek (30 years). Josef Ebert and Siegfried Raab were given a well-deserved retirement.

Despite the special circumstances, Managing Director Sven Koch emphasized that it was important to give this occasion a dignified setting. Due to the Corona requirements, the hand-over of the awards therefore took place in the company building rather than at a Christmas party as usual.

Especially now, he said, the involvement and support of employees is very valuable.

The management board therefore thanked all employees celebrating their jubilee and the retirees for their many years of loyalty and commitment.