2020 - 65 years Wilhelm Stolz GmbH & Co. KG

This year we celebrate the 65th anniversary of our company. What has moved STOLZ in the last 65 years? What are we proud of?
Die Firma Stolz wurde durch Wilhelm Stolz im Jahr 1955 in Leinfelden bei Stuttgart gegründet. Damals noch als Ein-Mann-Betrieb, mit aus heutiger Sicht einfachsten Drehbänken. Schnell stellte sich heraus, dass die bestehenden Räumlichkeiten nicht mehr ausreichen. So reiste Wilhelm Stolz quer durch das Schwabenland, wo er schließlich in Konradsbronn, einem Teilort der Gemeinde Wört, das Gelände einer brachliegenden Ziegelei vorfand. Hier wurden die neuen Räumlichkeiten des Unternehmens erbaut.
The number of customers grew steadily, and the production area of the company was expanded several times. Important milestones, such as the certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 as well as IATF 16949, have since then guaranteed our customers the highest quality.
We have been training in our company since 1963. In 2016, we modernized our training workshop in order to be able to provide top training for our junior specialists. We are proud to be able to continue to employ these qualified employees in our company and thus ensure our very high level of turning competence. This is the prerequisite for producing precision turned parts of the highest standard for international and regional customers.
Today we employ around 65 people and look back on the last decades with satisfaction.

What does the future hold?
Under the leadership of Klaus Stolz, Helen Stolz-Lingel and Sven Koch, STOLZ will continue to be successful.
To produce precision turned parts of the highest quality was the top priority on the first day, as it is today and will be in the future. To this end, we work daily on innovation, automation and digitalization and push important investments even in difficult times.
The year 2020 is an exceptional year. Even in times of a global pandemic, we are all standing together and are confident that, together with our employees, we can successfully shape the future.