Weihnachtsfeier 2018 und Ehrungen bei der Firma STOLZ
STOLZ closes its year 2018 with a Christmas Event and awards its long-term employees.

In early December, STOLZ wrapped up 2018 with its annual Christmas party. The management, represented by Stephan Humpf, looks back on a successful 2018 together with your workforce.
Although there was much to do with the realization of some important projects, such as the modernization of the trainee facilities, a new corporate identity concept and the introduction of a modern ERP system, the quality and satisfaction of the customers stood and still is First. This was emphasized by the management in your annual closing speech.
In a cosy and atmospheric round, some employees were once again honoured for their long-term loyalty to the company: Joseph Ebert (10 years of service), Anne Simon and Michael Filimonov (both 15 years), Annette Lipp and Harald Schmid (both 30 years), Petra Schlipf and Roland Raab (both 35 years) and Josef Schmid (48 years). Josef Schmid is retiring after his 48 years in service.